Protect Their Future
Join the Flight

Governor Pritzker invited these migrants here by rolling out the red carpet for free everything. When you have the golden package for non-citizens, it is no surprise they come in thousands. This started with the passing of the sanctuary state law and JB making sure the world knew this was a welcoming state for anyone who wanted to come here. Only 10% of migrants are eligible to work, that is unacceptable.

  1. I oppose the Pritzker-Joyce 1 Billion dollar annual tax hike on working families to fund the invited migrant crisis.
  2. I support local control by municipalities and counties as to how they want to allow or deny access of migrants into their area. This includes denying or accepting buses to drop off migrants in their municipality or county.
  3. I oppose free healthcare for non-citizens, as they currently do not even need to pay a copay, what American has that?
  4. I oppose free housing for migrants.

My policy focuses on tax cuts, the simplification of the tax code, targeted tax incentives, and opposition to tax increases to foster economic growth and prosperity.

  1. I oppose a progressive income tax.
  2. I believe we need to reduce taxes to stimulate economic growth.
  3. We need to grow the economy to increase the tax base to lower the burden on taxpayers.
  4. Reduce property taxes.

Resend the Safe T Act:

  1. Reinstate Cash Bail as an option for judges to use when determining pretrial release conditions, allowing judges to consider the risk posed by the defendant and the potential threat to public safety.
  2. Strengthen Judicial Discretion by allowing judges to consider all relevant factors, including the defendant’s criminal history.
  3. Support to increase law enforcement funding and resources for agencies to ensure they have the tools and training needed to effectively enforce the law and protect public safety.
  4. Enhance Victim’s Rights by prioritizing the rights and needs of victims of crimes by providing access to support services, and involvement in decision making.

Protect qualified immunity for Police Officers

  1. Reaffirm the importance of this protection that protects police officers from frivolous lawsuits that risk financial ruin for these officers.
  2. Support legal defense funds to help police officers cover the costs of defending themselves against lawsuits and are entitled to the resources to defend themselves against unfolded claims.